Have questions?
We have answers.

We’ve answered some of the questions we receive most frequently below. If we didn’t get to yours here, please feel free to reach out to us on Discord or Telegram.

About Andromeda

  • Andromeda is a decentralized operating system that makes it possible for you to build dApps. These dApps are rapidly composable using an extensive library to connect to services/projects on the local blockchain or throughout the ecosystem.

    What is Andromeda - YouTube

  • A decentralized operating system is a missing piece of infrastructure for Web 3 decentralized blockchain. Historically, operating systems are built with a kernel and a user-space. Kernels manage the CPU, memory, and storage resources. The User-space is where application software operates, accesses system resources, programs and libraries. In Web 3 public blockchains are the kernel and Andromeda is the User-space.

    What is a decentralized operating system? - YouTube

  • Andromeda provides industry leading, complete, and up to date documentation. See this link for all the docs.

  • Andromeda dApps have the same level of security guarantees of the underlying blockchain. Andromeda Logic Library (ALL) uses audited contracts and Andromeda Apps. dApps deployed and backed by the Andromeda brand are audited and tested using the best methods possible. As with everything in the decentralized world, the answer is about trust. Who do you trust and what do you trust? Andromeda apps will be hashed, certified and audited.

  • For Andromeda, the convenience of a modular approach should translate into a safer applications. Just like a UNIX command, ADOs are engineered to 1) perform a very specific, atomic task, 2) accept a very specific input and 3) produce a very specific output. ADOs are hardened and tested at scale atomically. This is measurably and demonstrably safer than in a monolithic format world, where every smart contract is its own special flower.

  • In our opinion, the Cosmos SDK, The CosmWasm/Rust stack, along with IBC makes it the most capable ecosystem in the world, bar none. In the Cosmos Ecosystem, we ship code. We don't take years to upgrade, add a new chain (appchain), or innovate and test new innovations. That is the beauty of Ethan Buchman's vision. It's organic and everyone can ship code. That is the measure of success. You have to code to ship and Andromeda can do it.

    What Makes the Cosmos Ecosystem Special - YouTube

  • Future upgrades will include an ‘App Store’ that will allow anyone to simply and easily install an Andromeda application in their wallet. This will look and feel very much like an app you might have on your smartphone.

  • Andromeda unleashes the power of smart contracts by making ADOs accessible to everyone. New solutions emerge when everyone has the power to build.

  • Andromeda has a curated list of Auditing groups for your use.

About The Tech

  • An ADO (Andromeda Digital Object) is a smart contract that uses a modular design to interoperate with other ADOs. Complex systems of ADOs can be composed using drag and drop and/or command line interface (CLI). Inputs and outputs are pre-defined with type enforcement.

    What is an ADO?

  • Developers retain full capability to extend functionality building their own ADOs. Andromeda provides a framework and a library of ADOs. These comply with the ADO specification. They can even be audited and committed into the Andromeda Logic Library. If a scenario does come up where you need bespoke functionality, you can provide your own ADOs, with DAO approval, so that new capabilities can be added.

  • Andromeda can extend the functionality of most projects. There is some nuance, because smart contracts are implemented widely and to various standards. In general, existing smart contracts can be owned and wrapped by an ADO. This simultaneously abstracts control of the smart contract according to your design while preserving the full functionality of the smart contract.

    Can I use Andromeda to extend the functionality of my existing project?

  • Yes! In fact, the Andromeda architecture uses other protocols as libraries in an operating system. Apps are created by leaning on proxy ADOs that bring those monolithic protocols into the framework we’ve built. The promise of “money-legos” is here.

  • Creating a proxy-ADO for your project allows all the builders using Andromeda to easily integrate your project or chain’s capabilities.

    How does Andromeda expand my project’s total addressable market?

  • Andromeda handles all the backend IBC connections for you. All the complexities and technical connections are taken care of by the Andromeda framework. With Andromeda, you allow the experts to handle that side of things so you can get down to creating new opportunities instead of having to worry about all the technical minutiae.

    How do I connect my project to any resource in the Cosmos Ecosystem?

  • Andromeda on-chain downtime is the same as chain downtime - a problem rarely encountered on Tendermint/CosmosSDK chains. All ADOs are on-chain. All contracts are open source.

  • Yes, interoperating with other protocols and projects does create risks. With Andromeda, you use boolean operators and different contract owners to enforce limits and parameterize positions and execution more easily. This produces better and faster results than using any other tooling.