aOS Hackerboard

Unlock innovation with the aOS Hackerboard: Where developers earn while building the future Web3 with aOS.
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Before You Apply

Please review the following documents, information, and links within as a prerequisite before signing up to build one of the Hackerboard ADOs.

ADO Architecture Explanation

Andromeda - ADO Review

ADO Selection and Judging Criteria:

  • Completeness of code and matching to requirements/ functionality needs

  • Integration tests to support

  • Example of the ADO functioning

Only one ADO build will earn the bounty.

CW721 Timelock

The Andromeda team has already started this ADO, but it needs to be fully completed and tested before it can be included in the Andromeda Logic Library (ALL).

With the CW721 Timelock, you can lock an NFT (CW721) with a contract for a certain amount of time (currently between one day & one year). Once the timelock has expired, anyone can call the claim function to send the NFT to the defined recipient. Each locked NFT has a specific lock ID comprising the CW721 contract address concatenated with the token_id.

  • Work Completed to Date: 0

  • Remaining Work (estimate in hours including testing): 98 (2 weeks)

  • Bounty: $3,900 worth of ANDR

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NFT Staking

The Andromeda team has already started this ADO, but it needs to be fully completed and tested before it can be included in the Andromeda Logic Library (ALL).

The NFT Staking ADO is a smart contract that allows users to stake, unstake, and claim their NFT alongside an accrued reward after surpassing the unbonding period.

  • The unbonding period is set in by Expiration time/date

  • The rewards are distributed constantly (every nano second) unless a window is specified by the user. This means if the reward is 50 uandr, then after 10 seconds, your rewards should be 500 uandr.

  • When the NFT is staked, it is assigned a unique key, which consists of concatenating the cw721 contract address + token Id.

  • Work Completed to Date: 0 

  • Remaining Work (estimate in hours including testing): 147 (3 weeks)

  • Bounty: $5,900 worth of ANDR

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Wrapped CW721

The Andromeda team has already started this ADO, but it needs to be fully completed and tested before it can be included in the Andromeda Logic Library (ALL).

The Wrapped CW721 ADO is a smart contract that wraps CW721 tokens.

One simple example is if a user wants to leverage TransferAgreement functionality to make a trade without the need of a marketplace or escrow service. In this case, the user can wrap the token, sell the wrapped token, and then the new owner can unwrap to get the original.

The user can send or deposit any CW721 token and get back a "wrapped" version. They can also be "unwrapped" back to the underlying token by depositing the wrapped token in the contract (the creator of the contract can specify if unwrapping should be allowed or not as there are some instances where they may want to permanently wrap a token).

  • Work Completed to Date: 0

  • Remaining Work (estimate in hours including testing): 98 (2 weeks)

  • Bounty: $3,900 ANDR

Apply Now

Disclaimer for Open Source Contributors to Andromeda Protocol*

By contributing code to the Andromeda Protocol ("the Project"), you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

1. License Agreement: Your contribution is governed by the Andromeda Public Infrastructure License. By making a contribution, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Andromeda Public Infrastructure License. Please review the full license [here](

2. Compensation: You will be compensated for your contribution once the work has been completed to the satisfaction and specifications of the core development team. The core development team will review your submitted work and determine if it meets the project's requirements and standards.

3. Contribution Review: All contributions are subject to a thorough review process. The core development team reserves the right to request modifications or reject contributions that do not align with the project's goals or standards.

4. No Warranty: The Project and its contributors provide the software "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

5. Liability: In no event shall the Project or its contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of the software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

6. Compliance: You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in connection with your contributions to the Project.

By making a contribution, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer and the Andromeda Public Infrastructure License. Andromeda Core Development Team --- For further details, please refer to the [Andromeda Public Infrastructure License: