Our protocol was modeled after our people.

Andromeda embodies the same qualities our team lives by.


We’re a team of innovators. And we wanted to bring that capability to others. Andromeda opens up a seemingly endless array of use cases, giving creators the tools they need build without limits.


Our experienced team has decades of agility experience in multiple disciplines domestic and international. We designed speed and agility into our operating system so you can be more agile in your business and building needs. Get to market quicker, prove product to market fit in far less time. Create, compose and get to network effects: Easier, Better, Faster.


In our ever-changing industry, we know how to flex. Shift. Adapt. We designed our product to do the same, developing a modular system of digital objects that can come together in different ways to meet whatever need you may have.

We’ve spent our time working to save yours.

Before Andromeda, members of our team had spent four whole years across other ventures working to build NFT solutions for establishing technical standards, enforcing royalties, tying in legal rights, and more.

A multi-chain protocol built on a multitude of experience.

At Andromeda, we’ve been involved with blockchain since the beginning—with many of our members tracing their roots in the space back to 2012, when the technology was in its infancy.

Skilled engineers and seasoned entrepreneurs, we’ve accumulated an average of 15 years of experience in our fields, know over 25 coding languages, and have the business acumen to match. This diverse background and deep expertise is our winning combination—enabling us to build the groundbreaking protocol that is Andromeda.