Unveiling Andromeda: Decentralization, Acceleration, and Economic Expansion Priorities
We want to express our sincere appreciation to our community for your continuous support and engagement with the Andromeda Ecosystem. Your feedback and insights have been incredibly valuable, and we are dedicated to listening to the community's voice to enhance the overall structure and future expansion planning of the Andromeda Protocol.
Our steadfast commitment centers on advancing integrations, enhancing the economic infrastructure within the protocol, and fostering transparency in our treasury reserve planning, setting a solid groundwork for future expansion. We are dedicated to crafting strategies that serve the best interests of our community, fostering sustainable growth and prosperity for all stakeholders.
To streamline our objectives, we are thrilled to introduce 5 Core Workstreams, each guided by a Core Contributor. These will drive immediate priorities and establish key performance indicators for transparent community tracking and progress evaluation.
We are also making some immediate commitments to demonstrate our dedication and resolve to the long-term success and stability of the Andromeda Economic Ecosystem.
The 5 Workstreams are as follows:
1. andrVAULT
The andrVAULT workstream will create a phased treasury plan to guarantee the long-term stability and success of the Andromeda Ecosystem. The outcome will be a transparent budget and governance process showing how Treasury Resources are allocated and phased over the long term (5-10 year plan).
Immediately, andrVAULT will lock over 200 million tokens into 4-year vesting contracts, ring-fenced as future funding for long-range expansion priorities and prevent dilution.
Meanwhile, 366 million tokens are already locked within the andrCOMMUNITYPOOL, which is under the community's control, meaning you, the ANDR holders via Governance. To be clear, these tokens can be accessed only through a public community vote.
This setup ensures that you, the Community, have a direct and significant influence over the future distribution and use of these tokens, empowering the community to be central to the decision-making process.
The Andromeda Economic System (AES) is designed around a circular economy. This forms a flywheel effect that takes time to get going, but once it’s built up momentum, it continues to get stronger and is easier to sustain. We’ve spoken about network effects in the past, and this relates to that thesis as well.
Economic Macro Data Points:
Users - People, groups, and entities using the system
Creators - Semi-technical people composing the ADOs into useful products and solutions
Developers - Computer Scientists developing ADOs for creators and users
ADOs - Number of ADOs published to the Logic Library
Chains - Number chains the aOS is deployed on
Equation: Network Effects = U × C × D × A × Ch
We plan to track these hard numbers through the andrDASHBOARD so we can see where the machine needs grease or attention. The goal is to increase the network effects by shaping these variables in the network effects equation. By changing just one number, you get a larger than 1x change in the effects (outside of local groupings).
Having successfully integrated aOS across our first set of Cosmos chains, the development team and our partners are confident to scale up the pace and magnitude of aOS deployments.
This expansion is key to accelerating the Economic Engine and inherent tokenomic flywheels that are incorporated into the protocol design.
Andromeda Economic System Flywheel
The workstream will lead the creation of detailed deployment and integration progress, and usage statistics such that insights can guide future effort prioritization and resource deployment strategies.
The andrADOPTION workstream will expand our approach to engage more developers and broader Web2 and traditional businesses with the potential of Andromeda. As a first step, we will shortly announce a keynote speaking event in Asia in Q4 2024, where Andromeda is set to engage a major industry panel of Fortune 500 C-suite executives.
Furthermore, we are launching several exciting initiatives to attract more developers to build with aOS and create more token use cases and ADOs for ANDR. By empowering developers, we aim to drive innovation, ultimately benefiting all stakeholders.
To strengthen ANDR’s position as an index token of the Cosmos Ecosystem, grow volume on Decentralized Exchanges, curtail ANDR emissions, and build deep long-term liquidity solutions, aOS is further developing multi-chain token sinks by using the L1 Tokens collected through fees to create a series of Protocol Owned Liquidity Pools for each of the L1 Guest Chains.
This “high tide raises all ships” movement locks up an ever-increasing amount of ANDR and the other L1 Tokens, capturing value across the entire Cosmos Ecosystem while creating deeper liquidity for ANDR holders and generating a new revenue source for the ecosystem.
Once these liquidity pools reach sufficient size, Andromeda Ecosystem Governance can propose transitioning to a full Multi-Asset Staking Rewards model – where ANDR Stakers can gain direct exposure to the entire Cosmos ecosystem through these liquidity positions (allowing ANDR to serve as a true Cosmos index token).
The team recognizes that real-time visibility and transparency of critical data are key components of showing both the adoption of aOS and the economic engine in motion. A key goal is to provide the team, partners, and community with real-time information and full transparency of token emissions and treasury wallets. This includes providing detailed visual breakdowns of how andrVAULT looks in a practical sense.
Furthermore, the workstream leads the development of a visual metric system to capture the status of the economic engine in motion and multi-chain token sinks (including andrLIQUIDITY); making it easier to understand the dynamics and value creation attributes of the Andromeda Token Ecosystem.
Thank you to the Andromeda Community
We are committed to aligning our strategies with the best interests of our community to ensure sustainable growth and prosperity for all participants. We are excited about these developments and believe they will significantly strengthen the Andromeda Ecosystem and community.
Thank you for your trust and patience as we work towards these goals. Together, we can build a robust and prosperous Andromeda community.
With Gratitude,
The Andromeda Lab's Core Contributors